I am running for Councillor to bring my unique global experience to the City of Moose Jaw. I have over 20 years’ experience in the upstream/downstream oil & gas industry; also holding academic qualifications from the University of Portsmouth, UK, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, and Briercrest Seminary, amongst others. I have developed strong visionary skills ready to serve in Council; having served here in Saskatchewan as a Director, Saskatchewan Polytechnic Student Association, Board Director, provincial Saskatchewan Soccer Association, and Board/Pastoral roles in local Saskatchewan churches. I have also been on non-profit missions to over 15 nations.
If elected, my focus will be a 3-point agenda: improving infrastructure for sustainable growth, fostering entrepreneurship to strengthen the local economy, and enhancing public safety through community-driven initiatives. With an extensive international worldview, I pledge to bring transparency, accountability, and a servant-leader mindset to make Moose Jaw a thriving, inclusive city for all!


**Thank you taking the time to visit my platform. My campaign is built on what I call my 3-point agenda: improving infrastructure, fostering entrepreneurship, and enhancing public safety. Some of the issues are already in focus as highlighted in past budgetary conversations, etc. However, the missing issue, in my humble opinion, is bold, decisive and intentional “out of the box” thinking, policy development/implementation alongside with the needed political will. Please kindly take note of the aforementioned carefully chosen words that I have used.
Below are my specific strategies to achieve these goals that must be marked by tangible, measurable outcomes and visible improvements/growths for both residents and businesses of the City of Moose Jaw within feasible, realistic timelines.
1. Improving Infrastructure
• Strategic Use of Provincial and Federal Funds: To tackle our aging infrastructure, I will push for utilization of programs such as the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). By applying for matching grants, we can fund critical capital projects like the Water Main Replacement Program and road maintenance without overburdening local taxpayers.
• Dedicated Infrastructure Reserve: Advocate for the creation and special funding of a dedicated long-term infrastructure reserve fund like the General Capital Reserve and the Land Development Reserve to ensure financial preparedness for large-scale projects like bridge repairs or water treatment upgrades.
• Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): I propose using PPPs for large projects, which can attract private sector investment in public works, reducing the immediate financial burden on the city and taxpayers. This requires conscious and continuous engagement of potential targeted investors locally and in other jurisdictions with clear attractive ROI in areas of strategic advantage of the city of Moose Jaw.
• Sustainable Infrastructure Development: Adopt QA/QC in reviewing/evaluating projects to ensure long-term, lasting infrastructure strategies such as road construction, energy-efficient street lighting, etc. This will reduce long-term operational costs and meet environmental targets. Moose Jaw could model some of these on successful Canadian cities with similar population sizes.
2. Fostering Entrepreneurship
• Local Business Incentives: To attract and retain businesses, I will implement a Business Development Incentive Program. This would include tax reductions or temporary property tax exemptions for small and new businesses, particularly in agri-tech, tourism, etc where Moose Jaw has strong growth potential.
• Create a Small Business Incubation Hub: Collaborating with local institutions Like Saskatchewan Polytechnic, we can establish a Small Business Hub to offer mentorship, training, and co-working spaces. The hub will provide access to capital, business planning resources, and networking opportunities.
• Simplify Business Permits and Registration: I will advocate for the implementation of a fully digital, one-stop shop for business permits and registrations, already in development as shown in Budget 2024. Streamlining these processes further will significantly reduce the barriers to starting or expanding a business in Moose Jaw.
• Local Procurement: Push for policies/byelaws that give preferential priority to local businesses for city contracts, particularly for maintenance, construction, and services. This keeps more money circulating within the local economy and supports local entrepreneurs.
3. Enhancing Public Safety
• Data-Driven Policing: The Moose Jaw Police Service is moving towards more efficient, tech-enhanced methods, and I support expanding this effort. By By investing in computer-assisted dispatch (CAD) and in-car reporting, we can ensure quicker response times and better resource allocation, directly enhancing community safety.
• Community Policing and Engagement: I propose strengthening neighbourhood watch programs and fostering closer relationships between the police and the community through regular town halls and feedback sessions. These programs can build trust and allow residents to take an active role in securing their neighbourhoods.
• Mental Health and Addiction Support: Public safety is not just about crime prevention; it also involves addressing underlying issues like addiction and mental health. I will work to partner with local organizations to develop a comprehensive mental health crisis response team, which would allow trained professionals to handle non-violent incidents, reducing the burden on police and ensuring better outcomes for those in crisis.
• Increase Surveillance and Tech: Invest in smart city technology such as CCTV cameras in high-traffic and crime-prone areas, parks like the crescent park, as well as automatic license plate recognition systems. These Systems can improve traffic law enforcement and help track vehicles involved in criminal activities.
• Youth Engagement Programs: Implement community programs focused on youth engagement, particularly in at-risk neighbourhoods. These programs can offer after-school activities, vocational training, and mentorship. reducing the likelihood of young people turning to crime.
Other Key Issues
I also recognize that many voters are concerned about affordable housing and city services. I plan to:
• Support affordable housing initiatives by working with developers to ensure new projects include affordable units and by encouraging innovative housing solutions such as co-ops and rent-to-own programs.
• Enhance city services like public transportation by improving funding for both regular transit and Para-Transit services, which are currently heavily subsidized but need improvements to meet growing demand. I will also ensure that waste management services and snow removal in winter are expanded to keep up with the needs of our growing city.
These practical, detailed steps form the foundation of my 3-point agenda for Moose Jaw. I am committed to ensuring that these initiatives are implemented effectively, in partnership with residents and stakeholders
Again, thank you very much for your very thoughtful inquiry. I welcome any further questions and respectfully hope to earn your support/vote.
Kind Regards!
Godwin Ezizor
Candidate for Moose Jaw City Council

Contact Me

[email protected]